For those of you who've just stumbled across my blog, I go by the name Megan, I'm 16 years of age and I'm a YouTuber!
To those that already know who I am, HI :D
So I don't really know what to write for my first blog post, so I thought I'd tell you a bit about myself, I mean that's what people do right?
Like I said before I'm Megan, I've just started on YouTube, McChallengeTv is my username so make sure to go check that out, the link is on my Follow Me page here on my blog.
I tend to ramble so no doubt these posts are going to be very random but hey who doesn't' love a random blog post from time to time? :)
I'm obsessed with the colour purple and leopard print, actually obsessed would be an understatement!
I'm weird, strange, crazy...all of the above, which I'm sure you will come to realise quite soon. My passion is making videos, sounds strange I know but I just love to do it.
I enjoy getting to know people, especially those that follow me on here and on YouTube so don't be afraid to say hi, I can't promise I will be able to answer everyone but I'll try my hardest. :]
I think that's about it for my first blog post, make sure to keep checking my Twitter or sign up for email notifications for when I post my next blog. I upload videos every week on YouTube so make sure to go check them out and give them a big thumbs up if you enjoyed!