1. I really love blog posts like this that let's you see a little bit more into the life of the blogger behind the blog. Great post babe, thanks for sharing! 💋💕

    With love, Alisha Valerie. x
    www.AlishaValerie.com || www.twitter.com/AlishaValerie

  2. Loved this, really enjoy post like these as I love to get to know the person behind the blogs! But I am reallllllllly wanting to know what record you hold now haha but congrats on it! x

  3. It's so cool getting to know more about you :) I can't believe you had a YouTube channel when you were 12/13! I wish I'd started when I wad younger, I didn't make a channel until I was 24 and it's one of my biggest regrets x


  4. The channel I had when I was that age is so embarrassing!
